Every Sunday I can I cycle in the morning. It's fun (if sometimes cold & wet), it is good for me (not so good for Flora's sense of humour when I traipse in - in more muddy gear), and it gives me space to think.
I used to go to church on a Sunday morning. Now I don't - and this is why...
1) I discovered to my horror that Sunday morning church had become a "duty". I felt guilty for missing.
2) The community I worship with (Wakefield Baptist Church) now have a "menu" system. We call it "Portfolio Church" - where we are encouraged to chose a balanced diet from a variety of "options" - For worship & ministry I choose the Sunday evening meeting as it fits me better. I look forward to going - most times - and that's how it should be I reckon. Most times I am asked to preach it is at the evening meeting too.
3) My cycle ride is good for me (keeps me a bit fit)
4) I enjoy the ride and feeling a bit more a part of God's brilliant creation.
5) I have time to reflect. (very occasionally profound - but sadly those bits don't seem to make it to the blog!)
Mark 2 vs. 27: "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath..."
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