Sunday, December 21, 2008


On the way to a meeting this evening I was listenong to U2 up loud (nothing new here) and thinking about Christmas. "Original of the Species" came on. Just be thankful you weren't in the car - it was loud, and I was singing along (loud, out of tune, words wrong, bad timing) (plus ca change).

I love the track - ostensibly to the daughter of the Edge. I've always seen more there - there is a touch of worship there (references to kneeling) - perhaps normal when considering a child - particularly for a parent.

Then I saw that this (for me) had the feeling of a nativity song.


Preach it brother!

Woah - cynicism lives!

Or is it sarcasm? (sorry - too lazy to google the difference)

Way to go (if you are British - because we love cynicism) If you aren't - sorry to say this national trait is not one of our nicer features - but hey somebody needs to say it sometimes...

Well done Simon.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Evangelistic Sermons

Read this today.

I don't think the problem only exists in Japan - I have heard it rather nearer to home.

(Not you Mary/Andy/Kez/Glen)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Being home alone last night gave me a chance to watch a film at random. Thanks to Ruth who lent it to me.

The film is intruiging, boring, fascinating, though provoking, and shocking.

It is a lot about Grace - both the name and the idea. Same link as in the U2 song of the same name...

Grace - its a name for a girl
It's also a thought that can change the world

At times the grace is so great that the undeserving recipients accuse Grace of being arrogant. Interesting thought...

In the end grace stops and something else happens - even that has biblical overtones.