Sunday, January 21, 2007

Five things you didn't know about me

I was happily reading "English Hen" and "God School" (brilliant post on Hermeneutics) - both of them writing a fascinating "Five things you didn't know about me" - only to find myself tagged!

1) I used to be young. Really - I may be 55 next month, but I was young - in the 60's & 70's. OK so I'm cheating - but you may not have known my age now...

2) I got one "A level" - Physics grade E - that is the lowest pass grade... OK so I did go on to get an electronics degree (just).

3) I used to run a Hearse (with a mate) and we used it to operate a mobile disco called "The Undertakers" It was (partly) a rather naive attempt at evangelism. We used it for a grand day out to the Essex coast - the back filled up with friends from the church youth group "SPYF".

4) In my 20's, at one point I owned 2 cars:
  • a Reliant 3 wheeler van - (Trotter style) - 600 ccs of pure masochism. (In UK)
  • A Plymouth Fury coupe - 5 litres of unreliable tyre-squealing power. (In California)
5) I was nearly arrested for planting paper flowers in a roundabout in St Albans (don't ask why - I've forgotten - and I probably didn't know then)

I'm supposed to tag five people - but I can't think who to tag...

Maybe Rob - (he'll never read this anyway)

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