Monday, November 27, 2006

Why Missional

I was working this weekend at the Fusion National Weekend and got to hear/meet TallskinnyKiwi
I found his take on being missional very interesting. Recently I was speaking about how Church can engage with postmodernity, building on a chapter from Tom Wright's book "The Challenge of Jesus" - walking to emmaus in a postmodern world. As a missionary (with WEC) myself I was seeing this as an exercise in contextualisation.

Now it appears that I might (or might not...) be missional. I like the thought that those "dead old institutions" might have something to reflect back into church.

Must get on to a spot of Missio Dei (might be a cue for a spot of praying first then)


Henrietta said...

Dick, think this weelend was held at my church - Oxford Community Church. Hope you received a warm welcome there! Henrietta (in Japan)

Dick Davies said...

You are right I think - Kings Centre. What a fantastic facility! I really enjoyed being in for one worship time in the main meeting, but I didn't meet many folks from the Church as the exhibitions had to pack up Saturday night (midnight) :-(